Archives for December 2015

4 Over 40

Trickhouse curator, Noah Saterstrom and I became friends on Facebook last year. We spoke more and more about painting, and I introduced him online to some of the South African artists I know – painters with quite a different history and culture from American painters. Noah asked me to curate an online show. I agreed – who wouldn’t want to? – but decided to facilitate rather than curate as I wanted to be involved in the project in a different way and include my work too.
I thought to keep it simple, and have only 4 artists – for depth rather than breadth. All of us are over 40 and were brought up in South Africa and studied art during the Apartheid regime. I asked us to interview each other, in response to work of our own that we had selected and sent to our interviewer.
The artists are Luan Nel, Desmond Mnyila, Nigel Mullins and Tanya Poole.
Tanya Poole
South Africa