
daniel menche bio

Sound, Trickhouse vol. 10

Blood Forest
Daniel Menche


Daniel Menche's sound is a bridge. One made of stone, bone, blood and wire. It is solid enough to build eons of civilizations upon, yet high enough off the floor of the canyon to give you the chills should you peer over the edge.

With performance tools such as contact mics adhered to self constructed instruments, or more famously, his own body, Daniel sculpts systemic waves found within and brings them pulsating, shaking, and exploding into our audible state. His live performances constitute some of the most physical music being performed today. At his most intense, you will feel as if the piece is about to pulverize you, while he leaves just enough breathing room for you to witness it happen to yourself.

What we have here though is another aspect to his well-honed craft. Assembled from field recordings made in the Pacific Northwest, Daniel carefully brings out the rhythm and spacial textures of the region's natural settings and presents us with an iconic piece that spans the awe of the raw forest and the reassembled/re-purposed contemporary age.

Walk fully onto the bridge. Take a look over the side.

- Eric Jordan, Trickhouse Curator




mp3 file - 42MB

click here for high quality aiff file - 189MB


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