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Trickhouse vol. 11, Winter 2010/11 - Confluence

Visual Artist Door (curated by Shelton Walsmith):   Pamela Moore
Writers Door (curated by Laynie Browne):   Norma Cole | Thomas Evans | Susan Sanford
Guest Curator Door (curated by Kerri Rosenstein):  Pat Boas (selected by Elizabeth Dove)
Sound Door (curated by Eric Jordan):   FallingLisa
Video Door (curated by Cyane Tornatzky):   Glenda Drew
Interview Door (curated by TC Tolbert):   Denise Uyehara
Correspondent Door (curated by Deborah Poe):   Helen White
Experiment Door (curated by Deborah Poe):   Lori Anderson Moseman
The Parlour (curated by Noah Saterstrom):   Shelton Walsmith Painting by Adam Cooper-Terán| Heat Stroke by Emily K. Harrison | My Visit with a Nuclear Missile by Ellen Orleans




About Trickhouse vol. 11:

The theme for this issue is "Confluence".

n. \ˈkän-ˌflü-ən(t)s, kən-ˈ\

1. technical : a place where two rivers or streams join to become one.
2. somewhat formal : a situation in which two things come together or happen at the same time



Guide to the New Layout of Trickhouse:

New Doors:

About this Issue:
The new top left door on the Trickhouse homepage (where you find yourself right now) will elucidate and introduce each future volume of Trickhouse. It will list our guest curators, and any news relating to the current issue or events.

The Parlour:
The bottom left door on the Trickhouse homepage is the Parlour. This is where we publish works of all media on a rolling basis. Click here to visit the Parlour.

We are now accepting submissions for all media for The Parlour. Submissions are received on a rolling basis with two review periods, August and December. Click here for Submission Guidelines.

\ˈpär-lər\ n: A room in a private dwelling used primarily for conversation, reception of guests, from French "to speak", denotes an "audience chamber." (i.e. -games, -tricks ). A place of business and exchange (i.e. beauty-, ice cream-, funeral- ).


New Curatorial Setup:

Beginning with volume 10, Trickhouse will feature a different guest curator for each of the eight doors. Each guest curator will be the brains behind the content for an individual door for a three issue run. Every fourth issue will be entirely in the hands of a single guest curator. Here are the curators for vol. 10, 11 and 12.

Visual Art - Shelton Walsmith
Writers - Laynie Brown
Guest Curators - Kerri Rosenstein
Sound - Eric Jordan
Video - Cyane Tornatzky
Interview - TC Tolbert
Experiment & Correspondent- Deborah Poe
The Parlour - Noah Saterstrom




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all contents © copyright 2011 / design by Noah Saterstrom