
Michael Winter bio | Ariya Martin bio

Alexandra Hay bio

Trickhouse Volume 13, Sound

Michael Winter and Ariya Martin | Flight, Sunlight

Alexandra Hay | Blueland



Blueland (2009-2011)

We traverse three continents (east and west an outline)
We traverse in verse, wordless under this warm sapphire surface,
Travel examined and unseen terrain.

This viscous winter, that cyan summer;
reason in watery freefall:
Archipelago Indigo.

This pause is archeology blue.

We traverse, the codes reverse,
An outstretched ink-stained finger sketches subtraction,
And time becomes blue.


The text for Blueland was recomposed from a collection of existing writings and musings from 2009-2011. The title makes reference to Rebecca Solnit’s article The Blue of Distance and New Zealand painter Bill Hammond’s Birdland series, works with surreal ornithological illustration inspired figures inhabiting a prehistoric New Zealand.

Stephanie Aston, Vocals
Charlton Lee, Viola


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